I Once Was Lost

I was lost for a really, really long time. Spiritually, emotionally, physically…you name it, I was in it.

“For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened,” – Matthew 7:8

I lived my life according to the ways of the world. Until seeking satisfaction & fulfillment through things, achievement, money, jobs, women, dominance, ego, pride, gluttony and every other way I tried to fill the hole in my heart didn’t work anymore. As King Solomon put it “a chasing after the wind.”  Until the day I sought the Lord, and He answered.

I was reading through what’s commonly referred to as the Prayer of St. Francis earlier tonight, and was struck by the relevancy to my journey of the last couple of lines as we read it.

For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen.

I had to reach the ‘end of me’ to get to a surrendered state to be of use to God and to people. That is what I strive for today, that is what I search for, that is what I am to do each day.

Today, I search. For people, for meaning, for impact, for truth. I help others see the Light. I give of myself. I have surrendered my life to what will be. I sit. I reflect. I journey inward.

And I read a lot (join my online book club here). I often see myself as like a child, with child-like eyes, with child-like awe for learning, knowledge & truth.

And with that, I’ll keep searching…

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